Your Gifts will Make Room For You!

“You life is a reflection of what you hold inside of you, and what you hold inside of you is always under your control.”

With approximately three weeks left in 2018, everyone is moving full steam, trying to decide on how they can make the next year better than this one!  I love the optimism that comes during this season, and how everyone is looking to tap into their gifts and what they want out of life.  One of the best things I’ve done for myself, is to create a career for myself where I am also able to combine the things I’m passionate about. In doing that, my gift has made room for me!  I have been presented with opportunities, allowing me to operate in my gift, not only providing me with financial gain, but with a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment.

I had a talk with a client one day, and he told me “When you’re operating in fear, you can talk yourself out of so much.”  He went on to describe how we become a meteorologist, a psychologist, a psychic, and so on, when we are thinking of why things won’t work.  The weather will be bad, people won’t like my idea, it’s not the right time, what if I fail – excuses for not executing.  However, what if none of those things exist, and you can truly walk in your gift!  Walking in your gift does not mean that you have to quit your 9-5.  Heck, your 9-5 could be the very place that allows you to do that.  It does mean that you must have an honest conversation with yourself about what will suit you best, in this moment.

“You don’t need permission or creative license to design the life you know you are worthy of, so adjust your crown and prepare to rule.” ~ June Ambrose

women s pink sweatshirt and brown plaid skirt
Photo by Godisable Jacob on

I talk about, in many of my blogs, how I worked a 9-5 and ran my personal business, for SEVEN years, simultaneously. I switched jobs quite a bit, because non of them felt like a really good fit for me. In hindsight, I realized that I was the common denominator, and the only work that I have been truly happy with, is the work I’ve done for myself. I knew that at some point, I’d end up working for myself, but I did not know when and what would be the determining factor.  Honestly, I didn’t know until three months out, that it was time to quit.  In short, I was unreasonably busy, my business was growing, and being a present mom was important to me.  Once I had that conversation with myself, I was ready to leave that day!  I ended up waiting, three months, until I got my bonus!

Working for myself has also allowed me the flexibility to do other work, that I’m passionate about, like Corporate Momming! Starting this blog has allowed me to connect with many like-minded moms, and business women.  It has further allowed me to tap into other ways in which people need what I have to offer. My gifts are still making room for me!

woman wearing red suit and pants outfit
Photo by Godisable Jacob on

If you struggle with identifying your gift(s), it’s the thing(s) that don’t go away.  The thoughts and actions that constantly resurface, even when you’re purposely avoiding them! Maybe you’re good at creating, planning, encouraging others, or something as simple as writing!  Whatever it is, they all have the ability to allow you the flexibility to operate in them, as you see fit! Choosing not to, will cause constant dissatisfaction! Every job, and every tasks will become daunting experiences because you are doing the work to fulfill someone else’s vision and not your own.

This time around, while doing vision boards, grab pen and paper, and write down your ideas to go along with the photos you attach.  Also include language around, ways in which you can find more fulfillment in the work that you do!  Remove the focus from money (I can almost promise, it will come!) and spend time really digging into the work that makes you happy!  Also, hold yourself accountable to that by constantly checking in and determining where or if adjustments are needed.

If the Panty Fits, Wear it!

All underwear, are not created equal, and wearing the wrong underwear can turn your attire from business casual to inappropriate. Whether you’re  fat, skinny, tall or short, this conversation applies to you! This is a lesson that can and should be applied to your attire in and out of the workplace.  Your underwear, should never spill out excessive butt, hips, or stomach, and doing so, can ultimately take your outfit from class (or simply cute) to trash. Honey attracts bees, and we want to be sure to that we are sending the appropriate and intended message.

We are living in a time where over exposure is welcomed and appreciated.  If that’s what you enjoy, this conversation isn’t for you (if it don’t apply, let it fly). Instead I am talking to women who are looking to uphold an image of class, while maintaining a clean and professional look. Having the wrong undergarments can immediately diminish your look, and I’d imagine is not the most comfortable.

Continue reading “If the Panty Fits, Wear it!”

Choosing a Partner

“Partnership is not a posture but a process – a continuous process that grows strong each year as we devote ourselves to common tasks.” – JFK

Finding the right partner in business, is a lot like finding the right partnership in love! Sometimes it happens by chance, and other times, you have to search until you find the right fit!  Why am I qualified to speak about what it takes to have a good partner? Well, because I have one, and I’ve had one for the last 7/8 years. Thank you GOD! If you’ve ever heard me talk on a panel, or been to a class I’ve taught, it’s an experience that I always share.

A great way to relieve some of the pressure, in starting or running a business, is to consider having a partner(s). In fact, I am really shocked that I haven’t written about this topic in detail.  I actually could have, and wouldn’t know, because I don’t go back and read old blogs.  SO, if I did, you’re getting it again today (insert innocent smile); I’ll make it good though!

Continue reading “Choosing a Partner”

The Detroit MomBoss: For the WIN

I am surrounded and CONSTANTLY influenced by the hustle, hearts, elegance, charisma and GANGSTA of all the Girl Bosses in Detroit! I mean, Detroit women have a presence about them, that is undeniable and of all the places I’ve been, I’ve never seen women hustle (in heels) like WE do! By no means, is this shade, to women from any other place, but Detroit women have “IT”, okay? It doesn’t matter where they live, or what they are doing.  Having Detroit, in their DNA, sets them apart.

My purpose in starting Corporate Momming was to inspire moms to go after the things they’re passionate about, and still KILL at motherhood, simultaneously.  Doing so requires a circle of people you can be inspired by, and who you SEE carrying out the same things that make you go “WOW, she’s killing it, WITH a baby on her hip!” – and by baby, I don’t literally mean an infant, I am more so highlighting the fact that they are moms!  Rather they are your friends,  friends in your head or people you follow on IG, I am 100% sure that you can find women from Detroit, that are doing the DAMN THANG!

Continue reading “The Detroit MomBoss: For the WIN”

Generational Wealth

“My great-great-grandchildren already rich, that’s a lot of brown children on your Forbes list” – Beyoncé


While scrolling Facebook, this morning, one of my grammar school classmates posted a screen print of a conversation between her and her daughter.  Her daughter was telling her mom that the school had been on lockdown, because of a shooting that happened just steps away from her.  My heart became heavy, and I ventured to think about why all the senseless killings, in our schools and amongst our youth overall, are taking place. What could be lacking? How do we close the gap? Why don’t our children know the value of life, and the cost of taking one?

We, as parents, are working really hard, to make a living and make sure our children don’t have to worry about some of the things we may have coming up, and to leave a legacy for generations to follow. We want them to have assets, money, college paid for, so on and so forth. Generational wealth, ya know?

“…rich in love, in spirituality, individuality, kindness, service, consideration, and more.”

However, wealth goes far beyond the things we can acquire and leave behind.  We have to make investments in ourselves and children, to ensure that generations to follow are mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. I always speak about how, people favor my mom’s children because of who she’s been to them.  Her being, a kind, caring and prayerful woman has caused people in return to be really good to us; and I, as a mom, am consciously sewing the seed to do the same for my child.

Moreover, what we tell our children about themselves, the environments we place them in and what we do in front of them, directly affects their behavior.  Children need to hear their parents tell them that they love them, and moreover that love needs to be shown, daily. Our children have to be rich in so many things, that don’t involve money, to ensure that they, along with their lineage, are “wealthy”.  They must be rich in love, in spirituality, individuality, kindness, service, consideration, confidence and more.

man standing beside his wife teaching their child how to ride bicycle
Photo by Agung Pandit Wiguna on

In addition to working hard, as parents we have to monitor what we allow or children to be influenced by. We can’t watch and laugh at trash TV, where women are fighting over men, and belittling themselves, and expect that are children won’t be influenced by it.  EVERY thing we do, affects our children and generations to follow!